Monday, May 29, 2017

Donald Trump’s awkward overseas moments came with democratically elected leaders

This president claims he 'hit a home run.' It's ridiculously obvious that he doesn't belong in the big leagues!

From the site:

President Donald Trump returned late Saturday from his first overseas trip as president, clearly more welcomed by the Muslims he’d proposed barring from the United States than by allies in Europe whose priorities and values have long been parallel with U.S. ideals.

Donald Trump’s Meaner America

Hi readers of Progressive Daily Read -- sorry for my absence. I'm back now!

From the site:

“I’d submit that the president has unearthed some demons,” says Rep. Mark Sanford, a Republican Representative from South Carolina. “I’ve talked to a number of people about it back home. They say, ‘Well, look, if the president can say whatever, why can’t I say whatever?’ He’s given them license.”