Saturday, October 13, 2018

Registration is a voter-suppression tool. Let’s finally end it.

This from Ellen Kurz writing in the Washington Post:

Voting rights have a long and sordid history in our country. There have always been people who try to maintain political and economic power by keeping others from voting — landowners over renters, men over women and whites over black. As a result, a fraction of Americans has been more powerful in deciding who our lawmakers are and what laws govern us.

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Democracy Now / Amy Goodman Interview with Jason Stanley

This interview is creepy -- because it's so accurate. Jason's book is called "How Fascism Works." Very important reading. . .America is heading in this direction.

AMY GOODMAN: You talk about the 10 pillars of fascism. What are they?

JASON STANLEY: The 10 pillars of fascism are, number one, a mythic past, a great mythic past which the leader harkens back.

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Ralph Nader on Kavanaugh

Ralph Nader has it right regarding Kavanaugh -- visit this link to read his excellent article on the subject:

The cold-blooded, most corporate-indentured Republicans dominate our political process today. Mitch McConnell (see Kentucky Values), led by the election-buying Koch brothers, drove Kavanaugh's nomination through the Senate, excluding important witnesses who wished to testify. To shore up claims of legitimacy, McConnell allowed the FBI to conduct a sham investigation that was shaped by Trump's White House lawyer Don McGahn and the FBI head, Christopher Wray. Wray had previously worked with his friend Kavanaugh on the Starr investigation of Bill Clinton's sexual misconduct.

Resilience and action are required. The Supreme Court is deeply political – forget about the claims of judicial independence by the five Justices in the majority. Their votes on issues of class, race, presidential and corporate power, peoples' rights, and remedies and access to justice (day in court with trial by jury) against corporations are quite predictable.