Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Trump Against the American Worker


From the site:

This has become a pattern among Trump’s appointments—naming bitter foes of federal agencies to head them, or behead them. It’s happening with health, education, environmental protection, civil rights, even at the State Department, according to reports about Trump’s appointment there. But Trump ran for President as the unlikely defender of the forgotten American worker, which makes his nominating a wealthy, anti-labor C.E.O. from an industry notorious for wage theft and labor-law violations to be his Secretary of Labor incongruous, even for him. I tend to agree with John Cassidy’s theory that, as much as the President-elect may enjoy toying with job applicants, his basic notion at this stage is to give Republican congressional leaders the hard-right Administration they crave so that he can pursue his own interests, including private interests, with a minimum of interference from them. The policy and personnel details have already begun to bore him.

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