Saturday, January 14, 2017

Dear God, are we being punished?

Inspiring words from Martin Luther King that are so applicable to the situation we find ourselves in today.

From the site:

When you think of Trump, think of these words spoken by King:

“I want to say that in all of our actions, we must stick together. Unity is the great need of the hour, and if we are united we can get many of the things that we not only desire but which we justly deserve. And don’t let anybody frighten you. We are not afraid of what we are doing, because we are doing it within the law.”

King concluded:

“As we prepare ourselves for what lies ahead, let us go out with the grim and bold determination that we are going to stick together. We are going to work together.”

So on King’s day, let’s gear up to bring about the “fair, just and inclusive America” that President Obama fought hard to create.

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