Wednesday, January 4, 2017

It’s here: CBPP’s top graphs of last year!

Very good collection of graphs from Jared Bernstein's blog. Note that 1% of the population gets 53% of the tax breaks resulting from repeal of Obamacare.

From the site:

Here’s one showing that while millionaires comprise less than 1 percent of all households, they end up with close to half of Trump’s tax cuts while the bottom 80 percent get less than a fifth.

Same with the repeal of the ACA. Like I said above, repeals whacks those with coverage, but we also show that the taxes supporting the program are progressive, so repeal also delivers more than half of the tax benefits to…wait for it…that same itty-bitty group of millionaires.

To state the obvious, this is a pretty chilling example of Trump’s faux populism: take from the poor/middle-class and give to the rich.

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