Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Donald Trump Is the “TV Reality” President

Good piece from John Cassidy at the New Yorker. Donald suffers from an incredibly short attention span and, as a result, gets all his information from Cable News. Can't read briefings -- SAD!


From the site:

In a juicy piece in Monday’s Times, Maggie Haberman and Glenn Thrush reported that Trump’s cable-news viewing extends well beyond his breakfast hours. He “recently upgraded the flat-screen TV in his private dining room so he can watch the news while eating lunch,” the Times duo reported. Evidently, Trump also does a lot of viewing at night, when he’s alone in the White House’s living quarters. “With his wife, Melania, and young son, Barron, staying in New York, he is almost always by himself, sometimes in the protective presence of his imposing longtime aide and former security chief, Keith Schiller,” the Times report said. “When Mr. Trump is not watching television in his bathrobe or on his phone reaching out to old campaign hands and advisers, he will sometimes set off to explore the unfamiliar surroundings of his new home.”

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