Saturday, February 18, 2017

The Lunatic is in My Head . . .

Scary stuff -- excerpts from this week's press conference.

From the site:

Talk about Meet the Press! Did you see that train wreck of a “press conference” performance from Trump today? Is there any doubt about his sanity and his fitness for office? His wild manic ravings made Jack Nicholson’s “you can’t handle the truth” rant look like Mr. Rogers.

It was like watching a twitching paranoid schizophrenic on a couch talking to his shrink – just an endless whine-fest about all the things he hates and are wrong and how upset he is about the “fake news” that caused his national security adviser to resign (then why did he if it was all fake?). Russia was a ruse and Hillary got the debate questions and gave away uranium and Obama left the economy in ruin and he won the popular vote by a larger margin than anybody in history and the false horrible negative reporting by the media has ruined his chance to “make a deal” with Putin and the media hates him and they lie and why can’t anybody ask him a nice question anyway?

Where do you begin? It’s not been a month and he’s coming apart at the seams. All he knows how to do is campaign. He’s going to Florida to campaign this weekend. He hasn’t the faintest idea how to be a President. He needs a campaign opponent….so he invented one – the press. He can’t operate without an enemy, so like any good psycho, he invents one. Some have imaginary friends or see imaginary rabbits, Trump has imaginary enemies.

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