Thursday, February 2, 2017

Michael Moore Threatens To Take Out Dems Who Don’t Block Trump Pick

Gorsuch is a bad choice. He of the "Forever Fascist" sect at his $30K per year prep school.

From the site:

“Senate Dems, let’s be very clear: You will filibuster & block this SC nom or we will find a true progressive and primary u in next election.”

That earlier effort by Democrats to sideline the nomination of Samuel Alito back in 2008 was unsuccessful. But it also didn’t have the suddenly more-influential-than-ever Moore pushing it.

At least seven Democratic senators are already wavering on whether to support the filibuster. Republicans only need eight to get the required 60 votes to push Gorsuch through, assuming their entire caucus votes to confirm him.

But if Democrats can hold the line, the 49-year-old judge would effectively be stuck in limbo, forcing President Trump to either scuttle his nomination entirely or pursue the so-called “nuclear option” of using a legislative tactic to circumvent the filibuster. Such a move would likely be successful but would also had a huge historical asterisk to Gorsuch and Trump’s legacy and could further inflame activists like Moore to push their efforts even further when the next inevitable nomination comes forward.

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