Friday, February 17, 2017

Senate Republicans Rush To Confirm Scott Pruitt For EPA, Bypassing Court Order

Can't you just smell the corruption? Let's see what the emails say when they are released next week.

From the site:

If Scott Pruitt is hiding something—and it sure looks like he is—Senate Republicans refused to wait around to find out what it is. Our Republican friends will rue the day they rammed this nomination through the Senate just as the emails were being litigated.

The Oklahoma attorney general and the president’s nominee to run the EPA has dodged open information requests from the Center for Media and Democracy (CMD) for over two years. Yesterday, the Oklahoma County Court found Pruitt’s office in violation of the state’s Open Records Act, and ordered the attorney general to release thousands of emails by next Tuesday, February 21.

Rather than wait to see what Pruitt’s office has been trying to conceal in those emails, Senate Republicans rushed a vote—and early Friday afternoon confirmed Pruitt to serve as EPA administrator by a 52-46 vote. Susan Collins of Maine was the lone Republican to vote against Pruitt.

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